Dental hygiene practices aren’t the same worldwide. While it’s common in the United States to brush and floss your teeth twice a day and see a dentist twice a year, let’s take a look how other countries have addressed oral health.
The ancient Chinese were very advanced when it came to dental hygiene. In fact, their early toothpastes include mint and ginger to keep teeth clean and freshen breath. They also used toothbrushes made of bristly horsehair to break up plaque. Today, Chinese health officials endorse similar dental health practices as Americans do. This includes brushing twice a day and using brisk circular motions while brushing.
Ancient Egyptians were an advanced culture when it came to diagnosing and healing common dental diseases. But many Egyptians today don’t have access to proper dental care because it isn’t very affordable. Many low-income Egyptians don’t even own proper toothbrushes, opting for chewing sticks to clean their teeth instead.
Studies show that less than half of Mexican schoolchildren brush once a day. Mexicans with higher incomes are more likely to seek out proper dental care and oral hygiene practices.
South Africa
Dental care in South Africa has improved significantly after the country established the Oral Hygienists’ Association of South Africa almost 40 years ago. The group’s mission is to educate people on good oral hygiene practices. Throughout South Africa, and in many parts of the African continent, people still rely on chewing sticks to maintain their oral health. They are actually surprisingly effective, too.
Australians generally practice good dental hygiene. However, one study showed that over half of children had tooth decay in their baby or adult teeth, and a fifth of older people are missing their teeth. Dental care is harder to come by in Australia’s rural areas, and many Australians cite finances as a reason why they cannot visit the dentist.
Every country strives for excellent dental care. We are lucky here at Jones Creek Family Dentistry to offer leading-edge, affordable dental care to our patients. Our goal is to give our patients healthy, beautiful smiles. Whether you are looking to clean your teeth or straighten them, we have a service that is perfect for you and your budget. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!
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