Ways To Soothe Your Dental Anxiety

woman undergoing dental sedation to deal with dental anxiety

Nervous about going to the dentist? You can’t let it hold you back from getting the treatment that’s so important to the health and longevity of your smile. Keep reading for some tips for dealing with dental anxiety.

Communicate with Your Dentist

First off, don’t be shy about speaking up about your nervousness. We see patients with varying degrees of dental anxiety or phobia on a regular basis, and we definitely do not take it personally. In fact, we understand. By communicating your anxiety to us, we can do whatever it takes to make sure you’re comfortable during our visit.

Distract & Relax

Wondering why it matters that our office has great amenities like pillows and blankets, WiFi, and tv, all in a comfortable and relaxing setting? Of course, these perks help all of our patients enjoy their time with us, but especially our anxious patients! We want you to feel right at home, and to be able to distract yourself from any anxiety or fear you have related to your appointment.

Sedation Dentistry

In addition to offering a tranquil atmosphere in our office, we also offer relaxing sedation dentistry. There are two options when you come to Jones Creek Family Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a mild sedative inhaled through a mask. It makes you happy and chill, but once you’re done inhaling the gas it wears off quickly. The next level up is oral consciousness sedation. This requires taking a pill that we prescribe before the treatment. You’ll still be able to communicate during the procedure, but you’ll be in a very deep, groggy state.

Sedation Dentistry in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Ready to find out if sedation dentistry is the solution to your dental anxiety? Give us a call to talk more about your options, or bring it up at your next routine visit!

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